Appalachian State University is one of 17 campuses in the University of North Carolina System. The administrative head of the University of North Carolina is the president elected by the Board of Governors. Each institution is headed by a chancellor who reports to the president of the University of North Carolina.
The Board of Governors
The Board of Governors plans and develops the coordinated system of higher education in North Carolina and in doing so maintains close liaison with other state, as well as private, educational agencies.
The Board of Governors elects each of the chancellors of the constituent institutions and determines compensation for each chancellor. It also appoints and determines the compensation of all vice chancellors, senior academic and administrative officers, and persons having permanent tenure.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Appalachian State University promotes the sound development of the institution within the functions prescribed for it, helping it to serve the state in a way that will complement the activities of the other institutions and aiding it to perform at a high level of excellence in every area of endeavor.
The board serves as advisor to the Board of Governors on matters pertaining to Appalachian State University and also serves as advisor to the chancellor concerning the management and development of Appalachian State University. The powers and duties of the Board of Trustees are primarily defined and delegated by the Board of Governors.

The Chancellor
Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris is chancellor of Appalachian State University.

The Provost
Dr. Neva J. Specht is acting provost of Appalachian State University.
Chancellor's Cabinet
- Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris
Chancellor - Dr. Neva J. Specht
Acting Provost - Henry T. “Hank” Foreman ’95
Vice Chancellor of External Affairs and Strategic Initiatives, Chief of Staff and Secretary of the University - John Adams
Interim Chief Financial Officer - J.J. Brown
Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs - Johnny Brown
Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police - Matthew T Dockham
Director of External Affairs & Community Relations - Doug Gillin
Director of Athletics - Megan Hayes ’97
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Communications Officer - Dr. Christine Hendren
Vice Provost for Research & Innovation - Dr. Troy Johnson
Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management - Jason Marshburn
Director of Environmental Health, Safety, and Emergency Management - Will Sears
Interim Vice Chancellor for University Advancement - Brad Trahan
Interim General Counsel and Director of Institutional Integrity - Keith Werner
Chief Information Officer